As the 2018 NAAE Conference draws closer it is time to highlight the vast array of opportunities to incorporate an agricultural perspective in classrooms across the country.
Every child (and every teacher) in every classroom has an intimate relationship with agriculture through the food they eat, the clothes they wear and the pharmaceuticals they use.
Attending the 2018 conference will open your eyes to the myriad of ways schools and industry in Australia and around the world are collaborating to showcase the production and processing systems and the career opportunities on offer in this exciting, diverse and innovative sector.
Our conference Workshop program is coming together. Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in workshops on topics as diverse as NSW DPI’s vision of Brand Agriculture, snails for the table (and the classroom), innovative classroom gardens and kitchens, rural health and wellbeing, virtual and augmented reality in the classroom, insights from overseas and an innovative approach to niche brewing.
We are locking in a host of fabulous half-day and full-day tours, the diversity of which you are unlikely to have access to anywhere else in the world in a stone’s throw of each other.
Our conference and dinner speakers are preparing to excite and inform you with their experience and views on all things virtual and actual.
If you haven’t yet registered — get on board. We can’t wait to host you for a week of education, entertainment and exploration of all that is possible in agriculture and education.